Intermediate Capital Group Plc
Correction: Intermediate Capital Group plc: Annual Report and Accounts
13th June 2024, 08:30
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Correction: Intermediate Capital Group plc: Annual Report and Accounts

Intermediate Capital Group PLC (the “Company”)

13 June 2024

Annual Report and Accounts- Correction

This is a correction to the announcement published at 17:30 on 12 June 2024 which included an error in the Annual Report and Accounts year ended date of the Company. The full corrected announcement is included below.

In accordance with Listing Rule 9.6.1R, the Company announces that a copy of the Company's Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2024 and Annual General Meeting Notice have been published and also sent to the Financial Conduct Authority National Storage Mechanism. They will shortly be available for viewing at https://data.fca.org.uk/#/nsm/nationalstoragemechanism

The Annual Report and Accounts and AGM Notice may also be viewed on the Company's website at https://www.icgam.com/

The Annual Report and Accounts have been posted to those shareholders who have elected to receive them in hard copy form.


Chris Hunt
Investor Relations, Intermediate Capital Group PLC
+44 (0) 20 3545 2020

Fiona Laffan
Corporate Affairs, Intermediate Capital Group PLC
+44 (0) 20 3545 1510

Andrew Lewis
Company Secretary, Intermediate Capital Group PLC
+44 (0) 20 3545 1344
