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Zephyr Energy webinar with Q&A

11:12, 7th December 2020
Vox Markets

Colin Harrington CEO Zephyr Energy FOLLOW presents the Company's investment case and answers questions from the Vox community.

Colin Harrington - Chief Executive Officer

Colin is the CEO of Zephyr Energy, having previously served as the Company’s Executive Chairman. Colin began his career in energy finance in 1998, and previously worked in New York, London, Washington DC and San Francisco. Over the course of his investment banking and investment management career, he has had significant experience executing recapitalizations and turnarounds at natural resource companies.

Prior to Zephyr, Colin served as CEO of Origin Creek Energy, a special situations investor in the onshore US oil and gas sector. Prior to that, Colin was Managing Partner of the Wellford Energy Group and former CEO of Wellford Capital Markets, a FINRA-registered broker dealer boutique which specialized in the energy markets. Colin also served as Senior Vice President of Energy Investment Banking at FBR Group in San Francisco and was head of the energy investment banking group at FBR International Limited in London.

Colin is passionate about land and watershed conservation, and has been involved with restoration and preservation efforts in both Colorado and Maryland. He holds an M.B.A. from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, a B.A. from Colby College, was a Hansard Scholar at the London School of Economics and is an alumnus of the National Outdoor School of Leadership (NOLS). At present, he also serves as a Trustee and Chairman of the Investment Committee at The Key School, a non-profit PK-12 independent school in Maryland.


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