Vox Screens Stocks: John & Justin pick from a contrarian value screen
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Vox Screens Stocks: John & Justin pick from a contrarian value screen as inspired by Algy Hall
The stocks that populate this screen have to fit the following criteria:
- Market Capitalisation: Maximum £200m
- 5 year ago 5 year turnover change % of minimum 7% (annualised)
- Positive EBIT margin over 5 years
- Net Gearing is a maximum of 50%
John's Pick is:
Water Intelligence is a leading multinational water infrastructure solutions company whose mission is to safeguard the world’s most precious resource. We are creating a “One Stop Shop” for minimally invasive leak detection and repair solutions. We have solutions for all size of pipes – residential, commercial, municipal – and a unique services footprint across the United States and in the UK, Australia and Canada.
Justin's Pick is:
Gresham Technologies plc is a leading software and services company that specialises in providing real-time solutions for data integrity and control, banking integration, payments and cash management. Listed on the main market of the London Stock Exchange (GHT.L) and headquartered in the City of London, its customers include some of the world's largest financial institutions and corporates, all of whom are served locally from offices located in the UK, Europe, North America and Asia Pacific.
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