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Vox Markets Fund Manager Series - Judith MacKenzie of Downing Asset Management

14:31, 17th January 2024
Vox Markets
Fund Manager Q&A

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In this stock picking masterclass, Judith MacKenzie of Downing takes Vox through her latest thoughts on the capital markets alongside highlighting 21 stock ideas.

00:00 Equity outlook
8:00 Cohort
10:20 Ramsdens and H&T
15:35 Inspecs
18:20 Argentex and Equals
24:05 EKF Diagnostics
28:00 Tristel
30:50 Ashtead Technology
34:00 Journeo
37:10 Avingtrans
40:55 Marlowe
43:40 XP Power
45:50 Volex
47:40 Restore
49:25 Team Internet
51:55 1Spatial
53:40 Strix
55:35 Supreme
58:15 FRP Advisory
61:05 Tatton Asset management


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