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Time to ignore the Macro and focus on the Micro

14:41, 24th January 2024
Justin Waite
Taking Stock

Time to ignore the Macro and focus on the Micro

Taking Stock on Wednesday 24th January 2024

Companies mentioned on, "Taking Stock" today"

11:15 Lords Group #LORD 
11:30 Atlantic Lithium #ALL 
17:15 Premier African Minerals #PREM 
19:18 easyJet #EZJ 
20:12 Diversified Energy #DEC 
22:15 & 24:15 Revolution Bars #RBG 
23:57 Tekcapital #TEK & Belluscura #BELL  
24:38 Strategic Minerals #SML 
28:08 System1 #SYS1 
29:45 Airea #AIEA 
31:00 Molecular Energy #MEN 
31:35 Verici DX #VRCI 
35:00 JD Wetherspoon #JDW 
39:00 Zoo Digital #ZOO 


UK services firms grow faster, but factories feel Red Sea hit

Britain's economy started 2024 on a stronger footing, according to a survey of businesses published on Wednesday that prompted investors to pare their bets on the Bank of England moving quickly to cut interest rates.
But while services firms grew a bit more rapidly than expected this month, Britain's long-struggling manufacturers are now being hit by the inflationary impact of tensions in the Red Sea, the Purchasing Managers' Index (PMI) showed.

(Click here to read more)

Netflix password crackdown fuels sign-up surge

Netflix sign-ups boomed at the end of last year as customers prodded by the firm's crackdown on password-sharing created their own accounts.

The streaming giant added more than 13.1 million subscriptions in the three months ended in December.

That was the most for any quarter since 2020, extending a streak of growth that started last year.

Netflix said it was confident in its growth path and was planning to raise prices.

(Click here to read more)



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The information, investment views and recommendations in this article are provided for general information purposes only. Nothing in this article should be construed as a solicitation to buy or sell any financial product relating to any companies under discussion or to engage in or refrain from doing so or engaging in any other transaction. Any opinions or comments are made to the best of the knowledge and belief of the writer but no responsibility is accepted for actions based on such opinions or comments. Vox Markets may receive payment from companies mentioned for enhanced profiling or publication presence. The writer may or may not hold investments in the companies under discussion.
