TekCapital’s Salarius receives MicroSalt® orders

09:46, 24th June 2019
Abraham Darwyne
Abraham Darwyne
Company News

  the UK intellectual property investment group that invests in university technology, told investors on Monday that its portfolio company, Salarius, has secured a new order for its MicroSalt®.

MicroSalt® is a proprietary salt made with micron-size salt particles that dissolve in the mouth significantly faster than regular salt, delivering an increased sensation of saltiness with much less salt, resulting in approximately 50% less sodium.

Victor Hugo Manzanilla, CEO of Salarius said: “Salarius is in discussions with numerous snack food companies who are evaluating MicroSalt® for possible inclusion in their products, and we will update the market in due course,"

Shares in Tekcapital were trading 6.98% higher at 11.5p each following the news

The company said the order came from a Mexican seafood company for use in dried shrimp snacks.  

Dr Clifford Gross, Executive Chairman at Tekcapital, commented: "We are delighted with Salarius' continued progress. MicroSalt® has the potential to help companies and consumers worldwide enjoy full-flavour snacks with reduced sodium."

Interestingly, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine recently recommended significantly reduced sodium consumption guidelines because of the fact that high blood pressure is a key risk factor for heart disease.

Salarius' MicroSalt® is targeting food companies and consumers to meet these new potential guidelines.

Healthy option products are gaining significant market traction with both consumers and investors, as seen by the highly popular IPO of Beyond Meat (BYND) in the US.

The Nasdaq listed company offers plant-based meats offers a similar taste profile to meat but is healthier for both consumers and the environment.

Tekcapital highlighted that the global savory snacks market is expected to reach US$108 billion by 2021, and that the low sodium ingredient market is estimated to reach US$1.76 billion by 2025.

"Both markets could immediately benefit from the availability of MicroSalt®.” CEO Victor Manzanilla said.

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