Tekcapital’s Guident partners with Novelsat on monitoring system to boost safety of autonomous vehicles
’s (TEK) portfolio company Guident has joined forces with content connectivity global leader Novelsat, to develop an innovative always-on, ubiquitous remote monitor and control solution for autonomous vehicles and devices.
Novelsat's satellite-based space connectivity technologies have teamed up with Guident's powerful human-in-the-loop AI technologies to deliver a reliable and high-speed bi-directional connectivity. This integration allows for continuous, high-quality video streaming, enabling remote monitoring of autonomous systems and, when necessary, enabling remote control of the vehicles and devices to tackle any edge cases that may arise.
Additionally, the connectivity will provide real-time audio and video communication with passengers, pedestrians, or first responders, ensuring the highest level of safety for autonomous systems, which is a crucial factor in the deployment and management of such systems.
"Guident is thrilled to work with NOVELSAT to create an exceptional remote monitoring and control solution for autonomous vehicles and devices," said Harald Braun, Chairman and CEO of Guident. "Leveraging cross-network connectivity, our human-in-the-loop AI technologies will enable always-on remote monitoring control of autonomous vehicles and devices, thereby resolving unforeseen situations and providing unparalleled safety and reliability in various applications.”
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Tekcapital continues to make strides with their portfolio company Guident, announcing just last week their partnership with Auve Tech to provide remote monitoring and control services for their autonomous vehicles.
At the moment, there is no technology that can enable vehicle manufacturers to achieve level-5 autonomy. Therefore, human-in-the-loop AI technologies will be required for the foreseeable future, and Guident and Novelsat’s partnership will enable the highest level of safety through high-quality video streaming that is needed for managing autonomous vehicles.
In addition, the autonomous vehicles that Guident and Novelsat’s monitoring solutions will be installed in come with a range of benefits that gives them the edge over more traditional transport vehicles. For example, autonomous vehicles increase traffic efficiency, while also reducing fuel consumption, bringing about both a wealth of environmental and economic benefits.
The global autonomous last mile delivery market is predicted to expand at a CAGR of 19.15% during the forecasting years 2021-2028, and is projected to reach $41.74 billion by 2028. The use of automated last mile delivery vehicles has seen increased demand since the Covid-19 pandemic and is a key driver in the market’s rapid growth. Guident believes this increased demand will accelerate the roll-out of land-based delivery drones for pedestrians, food and medicines to improve their availability and reduce the costs of these deliveries.
The announcement of Guident's collaboration with Novelsat serves as yet another example of the strength of Tekcapital's investment portfolio. The keep up to date with Tekcapital’s exciting series of announcements, make sure to follow the company.
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