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Substrate AI: Edison

10:44, 17th July 2024
Edison Investment Research
Company Broker Research

Software and comp services - Madrid - Mcap: €11m - Price: €0.16 - Initiation

Substrate AI

AI venture builder

Substrate AI buys, builds and scales ventures with proprietary artificial intelligence (AI) to transform companies across a range of sectors into AI driven businesses. Its core technology, Serenity Star, is a platform that gives clients an enterprise framework for rapidly deploying and managing generative AI solutions across their businesses. This platform is used as the basis of the AI transformation programmes of Substrate’s companies and is sold as a model-as-a-service (MaaS) software solution via Subgen AI, the group’s core technology business. Management has proposed separating the company, with Substrate retaining a significant c 15% shareholding and an exclusive licence to sell Subgen products in Spain, Africa and the Middle East.


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