Spotlight: Off-Grid Energy

08:04, 26th June 2019
Anita Riotta
Anita Riotta

A Wood Mackenzie report has found that 600 million people are set to gain access to electricity in the next decade, in an attempt to make a dent in the around 1 billion people who are still not connected. In this effort, experts in the energy sector are turning to an innovative solution-- off-grid energy systems.

These off-grid systems are more cost effective and environmentally sustainable than their traditional counterparts but the sector is in no way a charity act. 2018 was a banner year for investment in the off-grid market-- the total annual investment surpassed $500 million and three-quarters of all activity was commercial in nature. 

And off-grid energy systems are just the beginning for the communities it is set to revolutionize, as access to reliable electricity clearly opens up a flood of new networks and opportunities.

We connected with experts in the field to learn more about the technology itself, how this value-stacking model is creating a spark in the sector, and what it means to be an entrepreneur in this space. A massive thank you goes out to Benjamin Attia, Research Analyst in the Power & Renewables at Wood Mackenzie; Bill Lenihan, Chief Executive of Zola Electric; and Maurice Parets, CEO of Pawame.



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