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Salt Lake Potash kick-starts development stages at Lake Way Project

14:39, 27th September 2019
Francesca Morgan
Company News

Salt Lake Potash (SO4) FOLLOW reported on Friday that it had transitioned from exploration to development at the Lake Way Project in Western Australia, with Chief Executive, Tony Swiericzuk, saying that he looks forward to the group facing “an exciting future ahead.''

Considered an ideal site for the company’s initial SOP operation, Lake Way stands to offer a range of compelling advantages to ease development and is line with what the firm considers more than sufficient to kick-start operations at the site.

This morning’s final results saw Mr Swiericzuk highlight some “major milestones” for the firm including a technical scoping study alongside the construction of the company’s first commercial scale evaporation pond at Lake Way.

The technical scoping study, undertaken in June this year, was significant in recognising the commercial scale potential at Lake Way, demonstrating exceptional economic returns with a low capital intensity as well as indicating a clear sustainable operating life.

The group also announced that they had acquired Blackham-owned tenements -- a transaction that will provide significant benefits to further support the “rapid progress” towards a first production in late 2020, the company explained. 

Additionally, the company announced a mandate with Taurus to provide up to $150 million, a move considered an important step in progressing the development and financing of the Lake Way Project.

SO4 reported that by the end of June this year, the group had cash reserves of $19,304,075 -- the group also reported a 217% increase of net assets compared to the previous year as a result of the company having raised $33.25m over the 12 month period. 

The company further explained that its plans to develop Lake Way rapidly, as well as future lakes in their portfolio, remained firm after establishing a solid constructions and operations team as a result of “positive attributes” presented at Lake Way, as well as those offered by potential expansion opportunities. 

Going forward, Mr Swiericzuk emphasised the next 12 months as “pivotal” to SO4 with many key work fronts showing rapid progress, including the construction of the process plant at Lake Way as well as finalising the permitting for the project. 

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