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S4 Capital CFO Mary Basterfield to step down

11:24, 9th January 2025
Vox News
Company News

Advertising agency S4 Capital   Follow | SFOR said on Thursday that Mary Basterfield has decided to step down from her position as chief financial officer.
Basterfield, who has been with the company for over three years, has a twelve-month notice period and will continue working in her current position, participate in the search for her successor over the coming months and assist in a smooth and orderly handover, the company said.

Executive chairman Sir Martin Sorrell said: "The board wants to take this opportunity to thank Mary wholeheartedly for her hard work and commitment over the past three years and for her participation in the transition to a new financial leader.

"Mary has been instrumental in improving our finance team, processes and systems, as well as a collaborative business partner."

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