Rome Resources intercepts more tin and copper at Bisie North, next stop maiden mineral resource

Rome Resources () has released further information in regard to recent drilling on the Bisie North permit area in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Bisie North encompasses both the Mont Agoma and Kalayi projects.
To date, 2,181 metres have been drilled at Mont Agoma and 2,264 metres at Kalayi.
Rome has now temporarily paused its drilling operations in advance of undertaking a maiden inferred mineral resource estimate for both the Kalayi and Mont Agoma prospects.
Among the most recent highlights were 27 metres of tin intersected at a depth of 158 metres, and 112 metres of copper, intercepted at various depths starting at 33 metres.
In addition, the company hit 25 metres of tin from 174 metres depth at another hole, and a combined 54 metres from various intercepts in the same hole.
The samples from the mineralised sections in both drill holes have been processed on site and are currently being transported to Lubumbashi for sample preparation prior to analyses in Johannesburg.
The company expects the copper in both holes to be similar in nature to the higher grades seen in the more central section of the licence.
Once results have been reported, Rome will move towards the completion of maiden inferred mineral resource estimates at both Kalayi and Mont Agoma. This is expected before the end of April 2025.
Drilling is expected to resume once the drilling contractors have sourced drill rig spare parts and rods from Kisangani, given the supply chain from Goma was severed through the closure of the Goma airport.
The drilling crews are paid on a per meter basis, which means that during periods of inactivity there will be no cost to Rome from the drilling contractors.
In regard to the local fighting, peace talks brokered by Angola have showed signs of progress.
"We are pleased to have gathered significant data from our two most recent drill holes at Mont Agoma which strongly support our geological model,” said Paul Barrett, chief executive of Rome Resources.
“Following the evacuation of Alphamin's Bisie mine site and their kind offer of assistance, we saw this as an opportune time to strategically pause operations enabling our service providers to carry out their required maintenance. We are pleased to work with our service providers to ensure the best use of company's funds during this time of reduced activity, placing the company in a much stronger position for when we commence drilling.”
View from Vox
Against an uncertain political backdrop a very attractive project is beginning to take shape. We’ll know much more when the resource update comes through in a few weeks, of course, but some of the intercepts and grades we’ve seen to date have been highly encouraging.
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