Andrew Bell of Red Rock Resources provides a company overview and talks about upcoming milestones

11:16, 10th January 2022

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Andrew Bell of Red Rock Resources #RRR  provides a company overview and talks about upcoming milestones including, gold drill programme assay results from Kenya, Copper / Cobalt drill results from the Democratic Republic of Congo, their joint venture in Australia & new licences in Burkina Faso.

Mikei Gold Project - Drill Programme Assay Results - highlights:

· A total of 20 drill holes totalling 2093 meters were completed as part of phase 1 RC Drilling Programme

· Sampling and logging was done at 1m intervals by our in-house geological team prior to being sent to SGS limited in Mwanza, Tanzania for accredited laboratory assay

· Results are of first batch of 950 samples from 9 out of the 20 drill holes. Final batch of Phase 1 drilling samples awaiting customs clearance.

· Highlight intercepts include (complete collar and assay tables available at the bottom of this release).

o KKRC102: 17m @ 1.02 g/t Au from 116m to 133m (including 1m @ 3.15 g/t Au)

o KKRC082: 6 m @ 1.17 g/t Au from 8m to 13m (including 1m @ 3.75 g/t Au)

o KKRC101: 4m @ 1.37 g/t Au from 83m to 87m (including 1m @ 2.7 g/t Au)


About Red Rock Resources:

Red Rock is a natural resource development company listed on the AIM market in London (AIM: RRR). The Company manages a diverse and international portfolio of projects and investments and seeks to add value through development throughout all phases of the commodity cycle across both the mining and minerals and oil and gas sectors.


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