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Q&A with Paul Scott of Stockopedia

12:20, 27th February 2024
Paul Hill


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In this interview Paul Hill spoke to accomplished investor Paul Scott of Stockopedia about:

00:00 His successful stock picking strategy
03:30 Key takeaways from recent smallcap trading updates
09:40 Plexus
16:15 Renold
18:55 Zotefoams
22:55 Porvair
27:00 Luceco
30:15 Volex
36:55 Beeks Financial Cloud
43:15 Intercede
47:10 CMC Markets
51:05 H&T
57:45 Eurocell
1:02:10 Alumasc
1:06:50 Somero Enterprises
1:10:40 Gaming Realms
1:13:20 Wynnstay
1:20:00 ME group
1:23:00 Jet2
1:25:10 Dunelm
1:3:15 Bloomsbury Publishing


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The information, investment views and recommendations in this article are provided for general information purposes only. Nothing in this article should be construed as a solicitation to buy or sell any financial product relating to any companies under discussion or to engage in or refrain from doing so or engaging in any other transaction. Any opinions or comments are made to the best of the knowledge and belief of the writer but no responsibility is accepted for actions based on such opinions or comments. Vox Markets may receive payment from companies mentioned for enhanced profiling or publication presence. The writer may or may not hold investments in the companies under discussion.
