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Jeremy Skillington of Poolbeg Pharma: Early data read out for POLB 001 indicates a successful LPS human challenge trial

08:00, 9th January 2023
AudioBoom | https://audioboom.com/posts/8226309-jeremy-skillington-of-poolbeg-pharma-early-data-read-out-for-polb-001-indicates-a-successful-lps

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Jeremy Skillington, CEO of Poolbeg Pharma Follow | POLB discusses the positive initial data analysis in POLB 001 LPS Challenge Trial and says a full data read-out is expected in Q2 2023 following a final quality check of the unblinded data.


- POLB 001 demonstrated a marked reduction in both systemic and localised inflammatory response compared to volunteers who received placebo
- A clear dose-response relationship was demonstrated
- Well tolerated across all doses and no serious adverse events or volunteer withdrawals were reported
- Full data read-out expected in Q2 2023 following a final quality check of the unblinded data

To read the full RNS click here


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