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Polarean Imaging receives new order for XENOVIEW from Cincinnati Children's Hospital

09:10, 3rd May 2024
Victor Parker
Vox Newswire

Polarean Imaging (POLXFollow | POLX, a UK-based medical imaging technology company, said it has received a new order for a XENOVIEW polariser from Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center. The new unit will replace the hospital's existing research polariser.

XENOVIEW is Polarean's proprietary hyperpolarised Xenon MRI contrast agent. The agent is inhaled, then dissolves into lung tissue and enters the pulmonary microvasculature, allowing non-invasive MRI detection of microvascular blood flow impairment such as pre- and post-capillary pulmonary hypertension.

Cincinnati Children's previously placed the first order for XENOVIEW for clinical use, and has now returned with an order for its research unit, demonstrating a strong commitment to Xenon MRI technology.

Christopher R. von Jako, CEO of Polarean, commenting: "I commend the ongoing work of the entire team at Cincinnati Children's, both in research and clinical care. They consistently recognise the benefits that pulmonary functional Xenon MRI technology offers to children with chronic lung disease and have extended access to this technology to the adjacent adult hospital. We look forward to working closely with their team to ensure a swift implementation of the new system."

Jason Woods, Director of Research in Pulmonary Medicine at Cincinnati Children's commenting: "We are excited to enhance our research capabilities with Polarean's latest technology. This upgrade will allow us to further explore the applications of Xenon MRI in paediatric pulmonary care and expand our current clinical offerings for the benefit of our patients."


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Polarean's proprietary Xenon MRI solution XENOVIEW continues to make headlines as more customers realise the benefits of the technology in pulmonary care. POLX's pulmonary imaging platform promises to revolutionise medical imaging with the ability to illuminate hidden diseases non-invasively. This can enable early intervention and significantly improve patient outcomes.

Cincinnati Children's is one of most renowned children's hospitals in the world, ranked #1 last year by US News & World Report. The hospital performs clinical imaging on both children and adults (from their neighbouring partner institution, UC Medical Centre), and runs a robust research programme focused on Xenon MRI technology. Polarean's hyperpolariser will enable the hospital to leverage the benefits of XENOVIEW in its research programme, while providing flexibility to expand in the future for both research and clinical patients.

Last month, POLX secured a key US patent for Xenon MRI imaging, expanding the utility of its technology in the diagnosis and monitoring of diseases of the pulmonary vasculature. With the patent, Polarean's Xenon MRI platform can see expanded use in the US, following initial receipt of FDA approval in December 2022. To fully avail of the new patent, POLX is working to secure a gas exchange indication for XENOVIEW from the FDA, with an associated clinical trial expected soon.

Currently, pulmonary vascular disease (PVD) is a significant global health challenge, affecting the intricate network of blood vessels within lung tissue and connecting the lung to the heart. There is presently no easy method for directly measuring blood flow and pressure in the lungs, with the conventional approach requiring the insertion of an invasive catheter. The absence of effective non-invasive tools for assessing pulmonary vascular function remains a persistent barrier to early diagnosis and monitoring of PVD.

Polarean's XENOVIEW platform promises to disrupt the market in addressing the significant unmet medical need. To further expand its reach, Polarean is working with the FDA to lower the approved patient age range for XENOVIEW from 12 to 6 years old. Additionally, POLX is working to secure FDA approvals of the new indications for XENOVIEW to include gas exchange and cardiopulmonary applications, with clinical trials expected soon.

Based on initial deployments, industry interest, and today's announcement, there is good reason to believe in XENOVIEW's long-term success. Last year's approval of a new C-code from US Medicare, corresponding to a payment range of US$1,201 to US$1,300, was a major milestone. The new code, along with additional existing codes for XENOVIEW MRI, enables hospitals to request a total reimbursement of approx. $2,500, which is a significant incentive. POLX has confirmed that its initial clinical sites have attained reimbursement by both private insurers and Medicaid, and said it is working to broaden coverage.

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