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Polar Capital Holdings: Equity Development

10:00, 11th July 2024
Equity Development
Company Broker Research

AUM was up £1.6bn (+7%) over Q1 of FY25, from £21.9bn on 31 Mar 24 to £23.5bn on 30 Jun. Investment returns were strong over the quarter, contributing +£978m (+4.5%). Pleasingly, net flows continued to gain momentum, contributing +£644m, the second successive quarter of positive net flows (Q4 24: £+56m) - a marked turnaround from the net outflows which characterised calendar 2022 and 2023, when many investors rotated out of equities.

It certainly looks like Polar has continued its trajectory of being one of the fastest-growing publicly quoted asset managers in the UK. We remind readers of the analysis we presented in our recent note covering Polar’s FY24 results - A sector growth-leader with an 8.5% yield - which highlighted that Polar had the second highest AUM increase over its FY24 period among a London-listed peer group.


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