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Mindflair investee Getvisibility powers Forcepoint's new GenAI security solution

11:44, 22nd July 2024
Victor Parker
Vox Newswire

Mindflair (MFAIFollow | MFAI, an AI-focused tech investment company, noted an announcement by cybersecurity leader Forcepoint of a new comprehensive GenAI Security solution that offers integration with ChatGPT Enterprise Compliance API. Getvisibility, one of Mindflair's investee companies, works closely with Forcepoint in powering part of this overall solution.

Forcepoint's integration with ChatGPT enables the monitoring of data interactions within the ChatGPT environment, supporting regulatory compliance. Forcepoint offers a detailed map of dataflow and user behaviour to enhance activity tracking and geo-restriction enforcement. This approach helps ensure organisations can prevent data breaches and simplify compliance.

One of the elements of Forcepoint's new product is Forcepoint DSPM, which enhances the speed and accuracy of data classification and protection using AI Mesh technology - a network of language models and machine learning algorithms - that is powered by Getvisibility.

Mindflair has a direct interest in Getvisibility. Sure Valley Ventures Fund (SVV1) has a direct shareholding in Getvisibility and Mindflair has a 13% direct interest in SVV1. Mindflair also has a 5.3% indirect interest in SVV1 via its 21.3% holding in Sure Ventures, which runs the SVV funds. Consequently, Mindflair has a combined direct and indirect interest in SVV1 of c. 18%.


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A major boost to Mindflair investee Getvisibility in terms of its partnership with cybersecurity leader Forcepoint and integration with AI research giant OpenAI. The announcement further validates the value of Getvisibility's technology and supports upside for the SVV1 fund where Mindflair has a significant 18% combined interest.

Forcepoint is a multinational software company, headquartered in Austin, TX, that develops security software and data protection, cloud access security, firewall and cross-domain solutions. Forcepoint has revenues in excess of US$680m and is owned by Francisco Partners (US$41.9bn AUM). The GenAI solution announced today aims to empower businesses and government agencies to securely leverage GenAI innovations, accelerating their AI transformation while maintaining data security and compliance standards.

The new product brings together the existing Forcepoint ONE Security Service Edge (SSE), a cloud-delivered platform for controlling access and content on AI apps and other websites, Forcepoint ONE Data Security, and Forcepoint Data Security Posture Management (DSPM). As mentioned, DSPM is powered by Getvisiblity.

The SVV1 fund is managed by SVV, which even before today's announcement was performing very well after multiple realised cash and liquidity events and upward revaluations. SVV1 was materially boosted recently after Infinite Reality announced its acquisition of SVV1 investee Landvault in an all-share deal valued at US$450m.

In our estimation, MFAI remains undervalued, given the scope for significant valuation uplift of the companies within its portfolio, evidenced by today's and other recent announcements.

Continued projected growth of the AI sector, and progress reported so far across the SVV1, SVV2 and the new SVV3 funds through which MFAI invests, have bolstered investor confidence in the company's portfolio. Still, MFAI's NAV/share remains very attractive compared to its current share price.

We expect to see more realisations and liquidity events from MFAI's portfolio in the coming months as SVV1 has now completed its deployment phase and entered a realisation phase, expected to generate further cash inflows for MFAI.


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