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Macro Matters: Reasons To Be Cheerful

12:44, 24th October 2023
Vox Markets

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The impact of interest rate rises is being felt throughout the economy and proving a major headwind for UK markets. But as Singer Capital Markets’ macro specialist Jamie Constable tells Vox, receding inflationary pressures suggest a catalyst for a recovery from lowly valuations could be in sight. 

(0:28) Reflections on a difficult summer for markets, including further twists on the geopolitical stage.
(1:34) What could be the trigger for a rerating of downtrodden UK equities, including further low-ball acquisitions?
(5:06) Should we be worried about the effect of a recession on US and UK earnings?
(7:07) Glimmers of hope on the inflationary front, and a likely peak in interest rates – or even cuts. 
(10:48) The dampening effect of rising interest rates on economic activity.
(12:34) The potential for an extraneous shock from possible broadening of conflict in the Middle East.
(14:45) The new normal for inflation and interest rates, and the possible impact on markets. 
(21:01) Sectors to play retreating inflation, and why consumer shares could be a good contrarian bet. 
(25:18) Why you should have exposure to infrastructure and near-shoring driven capex.


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