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Avihu Tamir CEO of Kanabo, Christian Taylor-Wilkinson CEO of Altona Rare Earths & Alan Green on 3 Stocks

12:55, 2nd August 2021

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On today's Vox Markets Podcast: Avihu Tamir CEO of Kanabo, Christian Taylor-Wilkinson CEO of Altona Rare Earths & Alan Green on 3 Stocks

Avihu Tamir CEO of Kanabo #KNB FOLLOW discusses their investment & MoU with Hellenic Dynamics, the acquisition of a European Medical Cannabis Producer & Distributor plus their first Medical Cannabis Product in the UK.

Kanabo aims to create a new standard in the medical cannabis industry by building an ecosystem that improves the well-being of millions around the world by providing an alternative solution to the smoking of medicinal cannabis flowers. With a focus on the distribution of cannabis-derived products for medical patients, and non-THC products for CBD consumers, Kanabo has conducted extensive Research & Development in order to produce high-quality cannabis extract formulas, innovative medical-grade vaporizers, and various non-smoking consumption solutions.

Christian Taylor-Wilkinson, CEO of Altona Rare Earths #ANR FOLLOW covers the highlights from their Final Results & maps out what's to come in the next year.

Altona is a mining company focused on the evaluation, development and extraction of rare earth metals in Central and East Africa.

(Interview starts at 15 minutes 54 seconds)

Alan Green CEO of Brand Communications talks about:

Itaconix #ITX FOLLOW

Airtel Africa #AAF FOLLOW

Royal Dutch Shell #RDSB FOLLOW

(Interview starts at 24 minutes 35 seconds)    


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