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Industry Experts: Lionel Fournier, CEO of Bitspread

13:23, 13th May 2019
Abraham Darwyne
Industry Experts

Vox Media Player

Who is Lionel Fournier?
Lionel is CEO of Bitspread Financial Solutions. He has more than 20 years of investment banking experience at BNP, Credit Suisse, Bank of America/Merrill Lynch and CitiGroup, including global and Managing Director roles, heading several functions around Financial Engineering, Derivatives Research, Product Management, Complex Structuring and Market Risk.

As the blockchain asset space rapidly becomes more institutionalised and professionalised, he believes it is the next frontier for finance.

BitSpread is a blockchain asset research and advisory firm, who are the first to provide institutional quality capital protected investing strategies that limit the downside while providing exposure to the potential upside of cryptocurrencies.


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