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Hybridan Small Cap Feast: 24/07/24

14:11, 26th July 2024

* A corporate client of Hybridan LLP

** Arranged by type of listing and date of announcement

*** Alphabetically arranged

**** Potential means Intention to Float (ITF) has been announced, or it is a rumour


Dish of the day


Rome Resources (RMR.L) formerly Pathfinder Minerals Plc  has relisted on the AIM market following its reverse takeover.

What’s baking in the oven? **

Banquet Buffet***

Brighton Pier Group 33.5p £12.5m (PIER.L)

The diversified UK leisure and entertainment business provides the following trading update for the first half of its financial year period ended 23 June 2024. As previously announced, the first 18 weeks of the year saw like-for-like sales approximately £0.5m below the equivalent period in 2023, owing primarily to poor weather impacting trading on Brighton Palace Pier.  Poor weather has continued adversely impacting sales at the Pier, through a combination of rides closures and lower footfall. Entering into the busy July summer holiday season, footfall for the 4 week July period (ending on 21 July) was down 29% compared to the equivalent weeks in 2023.  The Group has yet to trade the remaining six weeks of the summer season through to the end of August. This period has typically contributed a significant portion of annual Group sales and earnings. However, despite the earnings from admission revenue, and the potential for improved weather in August, the Group no longer believes the year to date sales and earnings shortfall will be recovered and accordingly expect the Group's EBITDA for the full financial year to be below market expectations.


Cambridge Cognition Holdings 43.5p £18.1m (COG.L)

The Company that develops and markets digital solutions to assess brain health announces that further to the announcement on 12 October 2022 regarding the acquisition of eClinicalHealth Limited (Clinpal), the Company has today issued new ordinary shares at an issue price of 132.97p to certain shareholders of Clinpal, representing approximately £0.3m of the contingent consideration.  No further consideration is due to former shareholders of Clinpal.  


eEnergy Group 5.3p £20.5m (EAAS.L)

The net zero energy services provider announces an update on trading for the six months ended 30 June 2024. Core revenue of £6.2m (pro forma H1 23: £11.0m), core adjusted EBITDA loss of £2.1m (pro forma H1 23: £0.5m) and £5.2m solar contract signed with Spire Healthcare plc, the Group's largest to date . Up to £40m project funding facility with National Westminster Bank Plc to finance energy efficiency and onsite generation technologies for the Group's public sector customers. H2 24 started with strong momentum, with positive signs of market recovery and has entered H2 24 with a robust contracted forward order book of which £12.9m is expected to convert to revenue in H2 24, comprising 75% of forecast H2 24 Solar revenues and 44% of forecast H2 24 LED revenues.


EQTEC 1.325p £3.4m (EQT.L)

A technology innovator powering distributed, decarbonised, new energy infrastructure through its waste-to-value solutions for hydrogen, biofuels, and energy generation confirms the acquisition of two lots of property in Castiglione d'Orcia (SI), Italy that house the EQTEC Italia MDC plant and feedstock storage facilities.  The Property includes land, buildings and associated rights of way. Formal completion of the Property acquisition occurred on 25 July 2024 and accordingly, EQTEC Italia MDC Srl's ownership of the Property is now registered with the Siena provincial authorities. The consideration for the Transaction was EUR 0.57m in cash, funded by Italia MDC from the EUR 2.9m facility provided by Banda del Fucino S.p.A. announced by the Company on 16 January 2024.


Gemfields 11.375p £131.5m (GEM.L)

The miner and marketer of coloured gemstones has released information about its operational results and financial position for the six months ended 30 June 2024. Total auction revenues of $121m with continued demand for rough emeralds and rubies, net debt position of $44.4m (before auction receivables of $65.5m) at 30 June 2024, as Gemfields continues to invest in its previously communicated capital expenditure plan, funded through a mixture of cash reserves and increased debt. $10m was returned to shareholders in 2024 to reflect the good results in 2023.


Keywords Studios £23.83 £1.910.4m (KWS.L)

The provider of creative and technology-enabled solutions to the video games and entertainment industries today provides a trading update in respect of 2024 performance. The Board remains confident in delivering good overall revenue growth in 2024, with performance expected to be second half weighted as the sector starts to emerge from the slower content creation trends that are currently dampening industry spend and therefore Keywords' growth. Keywords has had a small number of larger game development projects deferred or cancelled in H1, creating capacity gaps in Create which were unable to be filled at short notice. This, together with ongoing softer demand in Globalize and the relatively slow ramp-up in content production in Hollywood, has meant that reported revenue is expected to grow by around 7%. in the first half, with organic growth over the period expected to be around minus 2%. The Board continues to be confident in the Group's ability to outperform the market and deliver on its medium-term guidance beyond 2024.


Knights Group Holdings 130.75p £112.3m (KGH.L)

The legal and professional services business announces that it has agreed to acquire Thursfields Legal Limited, a premium, full service legal services business with offices across the West Midlands. Knights will acquire Thursfields Legal Limited from its ten shareholders on a debt free, cash free basis, for a total consideration of c.£12.5m. This comprises initial cash consideration of c.£7.5m and deferred cash consideration of £5.0m to be paid in three equal instalments on each of the first, second and third anniversaries following completion. The cash consideration will be satisfied from Knights' existing banking facilities. Completion is expected to take place on 14 September 2024.


Pantheon Resources 17.45p £167.7m (PANR.L)

The oil and gas company with a 100% working interest in the Kodiak and Ahpun projects located in close proximity to pipeline and transportation infrastructure on Alaska's North Slope today announces the results of the Fundraise and Retail Offer which was announced yesterday. The Fundraise was heavily oversubscribed and the Company, having taken into account the strong support received from existing and new investors, decided to increase the size of the Fundraise, and when combined with the Retail Offer, raised gross proceeds of approximately $29m before costs. Placing, Subscription and Retail Offer at a price of 17p which is a 14% discount to close price on 24 July 2024. The additional funds raised in the Fundraise will be applied towards data acquisition such as collecting whole core, tests of multiple horizons and, in a success case, a possible long term production test at Megrez-1,  as well as further development of the Company's asset portfolio and general corporate purposes.


Poolbeg Pharma * 12.4p £62.0m (POLB.L)

A biopharmaceutical company focussed on the development and commercialisation of innovative medicines targeting diseases with a high unmet medical need announces that it is voluntarily delisting its ordinary shares from trading on the OTCQB Market due to low trading volume and the associated administrative requirements. The Company's last day of trading on the OTCQB Market will be Monday 29 July 2024. Poolbeg will retain its listing on the London Stock Exchange's AIM Market under its existing ticker POLB. The delisting from the OTCQB market will have no impact on Poolbeg's Ordinary Shares, which will continue to trade on the AIM Market. Poolbeg reaffirms its ambitions to be dual listed on a national securities exchange in the US, such as Nasdaq, subject to meeting their listing requirements at the appropriate time.


Tlou Energy 1.7p £22.7m (TLOU.L)

An exploration-stage company. Its principal business is the exploration and evaluation of assets in southern Africa to identify and develop CBM (Coal Bed Methane) resources provides an update for the quarter ended 30 June 2024. At the end of the quarter the Company had A$2.52m cash on hand (unaudited). The aggregate value of payments to related parties and their associates of A$340k for the quarter relates to directors' salaries and fees (including tax and superannuation payments made on their behalf) and office rent.  Lesedi electrical substation is 64% complete with expected completion in 3Q 2024, Lesedi remains at the forefront of Botswana's gas to power sector, making substantial progress in the development of the proposed 10MW gas-to-power project.


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