Hybridan Small Cap Feast: 20/03/2025

12:03, 20th March 2025

* A corporate client of Hybridan LLP

** Potential means Intention to Float (ITF) has been announced, or it is a rumour

***Arranged by type of listing and date of announcement

****Alphabetically arranged


Share prices and market capitalisations taken from the current price on the day of publication


Dish of the day

One Health Group (AQSE: OHGR), a provider of NHS-funded medical procedures, moved from the AQSE Growth Market to AIM today.  




What’s baking in the oven?


Upcoming Market Movers:


6 February: Creightons (CRL.L) has announced an intention to move to AIM from the Main Market. It is expected that the last day of dealings in the Ordinary Shares on the Main Market will be 28 March 2025. Dealing in the Ordinary Shares is expected to commence on AIM, at 8.00 a.m. on 31 March.



Potential**  Initial Public Offerings:


17th March: MHA, a professional services provider of audit and assurance, tax, accountancy, and advisory services and independent UK member of Baker Tilly International, announced its Intention to Float on the AIM Market.  The Group is seeking to raise up to £125m to provide growth capital for the Company as well as enabling a sell down by certain partners.  Alongside the Placing, the Group intends to launch a retail offer to raise up to approximately £6m.

17th March: Quantum Base, the quantum science Company, announced its intention to apply for Admission to trading on the AIM Market during April 2025.  Quantum Base is a quantum science company creating a new global standard in authentication through its patented Quantum Identities - near unbreakable and non-replicable authenticity tags that can be applied to a vast array of products, significantly mitigating counterfeiting, and can be authenticated with a smartphone.  The Company is seeking to raise between £3m - £5m through a placing, alongside a retail offer.

18th March: Wellnex Life Limited (ASX: WNX) has announced its intention to dual list on to the AIM Market.  Wellnex Life is an Australian incorporated company based in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, and is in the business of developing, licensing, marketing and distributing consumer healthcare and pharmaceutical products, available in leading retailers and wholesalers across Australia, including Coles, Woolworths, Chemist Warehouse, Sigma and Symbion. One of the Company's brands ('Mr Bright') is also available in the UK through retailers Superdrug and TK Maxx.  £5.22m (A$10.68m) is expected to be raised on Admission, with an anticipated market capitalisation of £21.0m (A$43.1m).   Admission date is set for 21st March 2025.

18th March: Uranium Energy Exploration, to be renamed The Smarter Web Company(AQSE:SWC) is a UK-based web design agency, specialising in creating bespoke, mobile-friendly websites and offers a range of online marketing strategies to help businesses enhance their online presence. Services include various web design packages, logo design, Search Engine Optimisation, animation and custom development. It is looking to do a fundraise of £2m on AQSE. Admission expected 2 April 2025.

18th March: Supersearch Plus (ASQE:SUP) The holding company of a Hong Kong-based frozen seafood importer and wholesaler which specialises in offering a diverse and wide range of frozen seafood products with more than fifty product varieties. Admission expected 25 March 2025.

Banquet Buffet****

The South East Asian energy Company with a natural gas and clean energy portfolio has announced that it has signed a further addendum to the existing Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with Mobile World Group to deliver power at the next 46 MWG solar sites in Vietnam with an aggregate capacity of c.0.8MW. Construction of the sites subject to the PPA Addendum will commence immediately. As previously announced, the Company signed a Memorandum of Understanding in Vietnam with MWG granting Coro exclusivity on an initial 900 MWG company sites in the central and southern regions of Vietnam where solar irradiation is the highest in the country.  Coro will build, own, and operate each rooftop solar system and sell all generated electricity directly to each Mobile World Investment Corporation location under a 14-year PPA, extendable in certain circumstances.

The AI focused Company today announced the beta launch of Samson, an autonomous AI research agent that performs the work of multiple specialised business analysts at a fraction of the cost. In an industry that has traditionally been reserved for big businesses, Samson makes professional-grade analysis accessible to businesses of all sizes. Following the successful deployment of Lucy, a recruitment digital worker, Cykel's expansion into the market research and business intelligence industry represents a significant opportunity for companies to transform how they access critical insights, and instant scale, allowing them to compete with larger organisations.

The medical device Company focused on the emerging field of minimally invasive surgical endoscopy for pre-cancer and cancer patients, announced the commercial launch and first customer of its SpydrBlade Flex1 technology, a unique multi-modal endoscopic device designed for precision and adaptability in endoscopic procedures, in the UK and Europe. Following extensive pre-launch global clinical activity, this first customer marks the UK & EU commercial launch of SpydrBlade Flex, and is being pioneered in St Mark's Hospital in NW London. Creo will be ramping up the full commercial launch via its core sales channels in the UK and the EU as well as other international territories, including the US, once local regulatory approvals have been received.

The technology business providing Generative Artificial Intelligence services to help research organisations and corporations commercialise their innovations, today announced it has secured a significant contract worth $0.35m with a new client, a research organisation in Saudi Arabia. The contract commences immediately and covers the delivery of 400 GenAI-enhanced analytical assessments and additional technology commercialisation consulting services. Analytical assessment revenue will be recognised upon report production by GenIP and delivery to the Client.

The gold and copper exploration and development Company focused on the Arabian-Nubian Shield has announced that its Gold and Minerals SLA joint venture in Saudi Arabia has been announced by the Saudi Arabian Government as the winner of the tender for the 910km2 Al Hajar North Exploration Licence via a new 50:50 joint venture between GMCO/ARTAR and Hancock Prospecting Pty Ltd, an Australian-based mining group. The Al Hajar North JV was selected from 18 multi-billion-dollar groups that participated in the tenders for five mineralised belts covering 4,788km2 identified as being amongst the most prospective areas for "Global Tier 1" orebodies within Saudi Arabia.

Further to MED's previous RNS announcement dated 19 December 2024, it has signed a binding definitive investment agreement with Powertree Holdings Ltd. The Investment Agreement formalises the long-term partnership between MED and Powertree to deploy capital into the portfolio of development flexible power generation projects that MED owns, starting with its 7.5MW construction-ready Hindlip project. Under the Investment Agreement, Powertree will invest up to £5m into MED's Hindlip project, resulting in the Hindlip project being fully funded, to get the site into commercial production. The Investment Consideration will consist of £500k for 75% of the fully diluted ordinary equity of the Hindlip SPV, ADV 001 Ltd and, up to £4.5m will be by way of secured loan entered into between Powertree and the Hindlip SPV.

The AIM quoted investing Company focused on European gas and power projects recently announced that it has signed a binding agreement to become the sole shareholder of Tarba Energía S.L. by purchasing the entire shareholding that Warrego Energy Ltd holds in Tarba. Tarba is the company through which Prospex holds its investment in the El Romeral production concessions and associated El Romeral gas-to-power plant situated near Carmona in southern Spain and in the Tesorillo and Ruedalabola exploration permits (currently suspended) in the Cadiz province in southern Spain. 

The DRC-focused tin and base metals explorer has today announced that it has entered into a settlement agreement with IM Minerals Limited and the Mozambique government in relation to the Company's legacy claim over the expropriation of a heavy mineral sand mining concession titled 4,623C in 2011. Rome was formerly named Pathfinder Minerals plc until 24 July 2024. As part of the Settlement, the Mozambique government has agreed to grant five new research and exploration licences to a registered Mozambican company (or companies) to be nominated by IM Minerals. In this regard, Rome will receive a 30 per cent. carried interest in the future value of the New Licences.

The buy and build group focused on companies which design and manufacture specialist lab equipment, industrial & scientific sensors and industrial & scientific products, provides an update on portfolio activities. Its industrial & Scientific Products  delivered a  new system of static control  for higher ionising power for adhesive labels in screen and digital printing, which saves costs and energy consumption. The gas measurement and control solutions are being used in a crucial role in aerodynamic testing for top Formula 1 racing teams, ahead of rule changes. Its Decontamination  Equipment has won a place in the NHS Supply chain and for the first time, this framework includes the provision of pathology autoclaves, which it can also provide. Customer-focused product development remains central to  its commercial success and R&D momentum is building.

The petroleum Company today announced that it has signed a Collaboration Agreement with The Strategic Fuel Fund Association, an organisation owned by the State of South Africa. Wildcat and SFF have agreed to work together to evaluate the petroleum assets previously held by Petronas and explore potential scenarios for acquiring all or parts of the assets. This initiative builds on the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that Wildcat signed with Nilepet in September 2024. As previously disclosed, Petronas announced the withdrawal of its operations in South Sudan in August 2024, with Nilepet assuming responsibility for all assets and operations previously held by Petronas in South Sudan. Under the MoU with Nilepet, which was valid for six months, Wildcat engaged in productive discussions regarding various options for the acquisition of these assets. Although the MOU expired on 12 March 2025, both parties have agreed to let it lapse while continuing to engaged in productive conversations.


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