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Hybridan Small Cap Feast: 19/07/24

14:54, 19th July 2024

* A corporate client of Hybridan LLP

** Arranged by type of listing and date of announcement

*** Alphabetically arranged

**** Potential means Intention to Float (ITF) has been announced, or it is a rumour


Dish of the day

What’s baking in the oven? **


Potential****  Initial Public Offerings:

ITF announced:  

8th July 2024: Rome Resources: The Canada-based early-stage resource exploration Company has announced its intention to IPO on AIM in order to continue to make financial progress on its “Bisie North Tin Project”. The Company’s first day of trading on AIM is expected to be 26th July 2024. The Primary Offer expected size is approximately £4.0m.

Big Technologies 143p £412.6m (BIG.L)

The UK-based remote people monitoring technology company announces that its Independent Non-Executive Chair, Mr Simon Collins, has tendered his resignation from office as Chair of the Company. The Company thanks Mr Collins for his years of integral leadership through the Initial Public Offering on the AIM market in 2021 and the continued success of the business. The Company wishes him every success in his future endeavours. Commencement of the recruitment of a new Independent Non-Executive Chair to guide the Company through the next stage of its ambitious growth will begin immediately and in the meantime, Independent Non-Executive Director, Alexander Brennan, has assumed the role of Interim Chair of the Company.


Ingenta 127.5p £18.5m (ING.L)

The provider of software and services to the global publishing industry announces it has won three additional contracts across its Content and Commercial divisions. Within the Content division, the Company has won two follow-on contracts from existing customers, expanding the Edify business. These multiyear deals have a contract value, in aggregate, of more than £500k payable for works completed between three and five years. Within the Commercial division, the Company has also commenced work on a new three-year project to migrate, host and support an existing customer's Vista deployment onto our dedicated infrastructure. The contract value for this project is £1.4m over three years.


Metals Exploration 4.6p £97.4m (MTL.L)

A gold producer in the Philippines announces its quarterly results for Q2 2024. Revenue increased to $46.7m (Q1 2024: $44.5m), cash flow increased to $24.8m (Q1 2024: 21.6m) and gold sales of 20,124 ounces sold at an average realised gold price of $2,320 per ounce (Q1 2024: 21,465 ounces at an average $2,069 per ounce). Company debt free following resolution of all debt disputes.


MYCELX Technologies Corporation 59.5p £13.7m (MYX.L)

The clean water and clean air technology company transforming the environmental impact of industry announces that it has signed a Business Partnership Agreement with an 8a and HUBZone Certified Prime Contractor with the sole purpose of developing a mutually beneficial business relationship focused on the United States Department of Defense (DoD) funded PFAS remediation projects. HUBZone (Historically Under-utilized Business Zones) is administered by the SBA (Small Business Administration) and allows qualified businesses to be eligible to compete for the program's set-aside contracts within the DoD. DoD's estimated cost to investigate and clean up PFAS in Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 and beyond is $9.7 billion (estimate as of the end of FY 2023). This is a preliminary estimate that DoD expects will increase significantly as the ongoing investigations are completed and more information is known about the extent of the cleanup required.


Parkmead Group 13.5p £14.8m (PMG.L)

The independent energy group focused on growth through gas, oil and renewable energy projects announces that further to the provisional award of three blocks as part of the 33rd UK offshore licensing round, the P2634 licence has now been formally awarded to Parkmead by the UK Government's North Sea Transition Authority (NSTA). This heavy oil accumulation has been proven by three wells and is estimated to contain oil-in-place of between 740 million and 1.33 billion barrels. The partnership will now begin to progress the approved three-year work programme to determine whether a technically and economically viable development can be delivered within the NSTA's Net Zero Strategy.


Polarean Imaging 1.78p £21.4m (POLX.L)

A commercial-stage medical device leader in advanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of lung function announces that it has entered into a trade-in agreement to exchange the University of Virginia Health System's (UVA Health) existing two research hyperpolarisers for two new clinical-grade hyperpolariser systems to be provided by Polarean. UVA Health is an integrated health system with a world-class academic medical center that includes a Level 1 Trauma Centre, an NCI-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center, and UVA Health Children's, the number one pediatric hospital in Virginia. UVA Health's Hyperpolarized Gas MR Imaging Center faculty pioneered the application of Xenon MRI for a variety of lung diseases, including asthma, cystic fibrosis, and bronchopulmonary dysplasia.


Sound Energy 0.98p £20.0m (SOU.L)

The transition energy company further to the update provided by the Company on 30 April 2024 and the continued discussions with Morocco's L'Office National des Hydrocarbures et des Mines (ONHYM), to provide a further update regarding further amendments to the Company's exploration permits at Anoual (the Additional Amendments), and entry into the optional Complementary Period under the exploration permits at Anoual. The Anoual exploration permits cover 8,873 square kilometres in Eastern Morocco, that ONHYM has now agreed, in place of the 18-month extension previously announced by the Company, on a longer 24-month extension to the initial period of the Anoual Exploration Permits, due to Force Majeure, ending on or about 7 January 2025.


Trinity Exploration 48p £18.6m (TRIN.L)

The independent E&P company focused on Trinidad and Tobago, provides an update on operations for the three-month period ended 30 June 2024. Cash balance of $8.0m (unaudited) at 30 June 2024 versus $8.6m (unaudited) at 31 March 2024 and $11.3m (unaudited) at 30 June 2023.  The Group had drawn borrowings (overdraft) of $3.0m at 30 June 2024 ( $4.0m at 31 March 2024 and  $2.0m at 30 June 2023). Average realised oil price of $73.2/bbl for Q2 2024 (Q2 2023: $63.7/bbl; Q1 2024: $69.9/bbl).


Yellow Cake 545.5p £1,182.4m (YCA.L)

The Company providing investors with direct exposure to the uranium market through our physical holding of uranium oxide concentrate (U3O8) and uranium-related commercial activities announces its annual results for the year ended 31 March 2024. Spot U3O8 price rose to a 16-year high of $107/lb in February 2024 and closed at $87.00/lb on 31 March 2024, a 72% increase compared to its close of $50.65/lb as at 31 March 2023. Holdings of 20.16m lb of U3O8 as at 31 March 2024. Net asset value of $1,883.6m (£6.88 per share) as at 31 March 2024 (2023: $1,035.3 million (£4.23 per share)). The Company expects the existing trends in the uranium market to remain in place in the year ahead, with continued spot price volatility on an upward price trend in the near- to medium-term with a strong bias towards the upside as the lack of mobile inventory takes hold, constraining near-term uranium supply availability.


Windar Photonics 50.5p £41.1m (WPHO.L)

The technology group that has developed a LiDAR wind sensor and software suite designed to efficiently and cost effectively increase the power output of electricity generating wind turbines announces that Non-Executive Director Gavin Manson will move to a temporary, flexible part-time Executive contract giving flexibility to support the business as required, with remuneration structured accordingly.


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