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Gunsynd’s new investor presentation highlights the upside at the Falcon Lake and Bear Twit projects

09:33, 22nd July 2024
Alastair Ford
Vox Newswire

Gunsynd (GUN)Follow | GUNhas released a new investor presentation that highlights the upside at the Falcon Lake and Bear Twit projects in Canada.

Gunsynd is currently engaged in a transaction to acquire 100% of Falcon Lake and Bear Twit.

Falcon Lake is a uranium and copper project, while Bear Twit is a silver, zinc and lead project.

The company highlights that these metals are all likely to be increasingly used as the world proceeds towards its Net Zero targets. 

Falcon covers 5,294 ha in Nunavut, just south of the Dismal Lakes and 122km southeast of the permanent settlement of Kugluktuk, accessible by commercial fixed wing aircraft. 

It’s 26km west of the ISO Energy Mountain Lake uranium project, which holds a non-43-101 compliant resource estimate of 1.6 million tonnes grading 0.23% U3O8. 

Selected grab samples from 1979 at Falcon show copper grades of up to 8.9% and over 300ppm uranium. 

Bear Twit holds a non-NI 43-101 compliant resource estimate of between 7.26 and 9.07 million tonnes grading 5.4% zinc, 2.6% lead and 17.1 grams per tonne silver.

The project is located in the Northwest Territories and encompasses over 17,000 hectares. It is somewhat analogous to the Macpass project of Fireweed Metals, located only 102km to the southwest – a project which contains 50 million tonnes grading 10% zinc equivalent. 

Cominco drilled four holes at Bear Twit in 1974 with all holes showing wide intersection of galena and sphalerite. One hole intersected almost continuous mineralization from 250 to 640ft.


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These projects look highly prospective and show significant upside potential. As Gunsynd goes to work on them any results that are generated will tell us more, but at this point several boxes have already been ticked: the projects are in a safe jurisdiction, they have historical showings of mineralisation, and they offer a real opportunity for value uplift. 


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