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GSK to appeal Delaware ruling on jury trials in Zantac cancer cases

07:23, 3rd June 2024
Vox News
Company News

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Pharma giant GSK (GSK) Follow | GSK said it would be appealing against a US court decision allowing jury trials in cases brought by cancer sufferers claiming its heartburn drug caused their condition.

A judge in the Delaware State Court ruled that scientific experts would be able to testify there is a link between the plaintiffs' illnesses and their exposure to probable human carcinogens, through the Zantac drug.

GSK and other companies who marketed Zantac, including Boehringer Ingelheim and Sanofi dispute the claims.

"Following the 16 epidemiological studies looking at human data regarding the use of ranitidine, the scientific consensus is that there is no consistent or reliable evidence that ranitidine increases the risk of any cancer," GSK said in a statement on Monday.

Reporting by Frank Prenesti for Sharecast.com

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