Georgina Energy lines up first well for December 2024
Georgina Energy (
) has engaged Aztech Well Construction to project manage well re-entry at Hussar EP513 in the Officer Basin in Australia.Aztech is highly experienced at providing well project management and engineering solutions, with over 14 years of experience managing drilling operations in onshore Australia.
Aztech has having drilled over 40 wells in the Perth Basin between 2011 and 2023.
It’s anticipated that the well re- entry program will commence in December 2024, subject to the granting of a drilling permit.
The company plans to extend the original well drilled in 1982 to 2,040 metres to 3,400 metres in order to penetrate the subsalt Townsend Formation, the subsalt target reservoir which has been independently assessed to host large volumes of helium, hydrogen and gaseous hydrocarbons.
Previous exploration wells drilled in the 1980s in the Officer Basin targeted oil and did not penetrate the now-targeted subsalt Townsend Formation.
Townsend is the basal sandstone of the Officer Basin and is the lateral equivalent to the helium, hydrogen and gaseous hydrocarbon-bearing Heavitree Formation in the Amadeus Basin.
Both basins are sub-basins of the Neoproterozoic Centralian Superbasin.
The company is currently completing the required process for engineering design, HSE and environmental approvals as well as meeting its obligations under the Native Title Land Access agreement.
Aztech's Senior Well Engineer, Connie Callison, has been assigned to work with the company's technical team. She has extensive and comprehensive specialist experience in well intervention, drilling and completions, having previously worked for Chevron in both Australia and the USA.
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It’s good to see work getting underway on this promising project.
Georgina Energy has aspirations to become a global partner in the helium and hydrogen market and this program forms a critical part of its well re-development program. The company’s already spent more than £6.5m to get to this point, with £2.5m of that put up by directors. It’s a fair commitment, but the potential rewards are huge.
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