Finseta launches corporate Mastercard to drive business market expansion

11:02, 3rd March 2025
Paul Hill
Paul Hill
PMH Capital


This morning, international payments firm  ()  announced that it had just launched a new commercial card service for corporate clients.

This product extension should deliver higher gross margins than current offerings, and will begin to contribute to operating profits from 2026.

CEO James Hickman commenting: "The introduction of a corporate card scheme is a key element of our strategy to diversify our product offering and expand our payment rails.  [Here], customers can easily, instantly and securely make payments globally."

At 31p (£18m mrkcap), the shares traded on a modest FY25 PER of <10x and 5.3x EV/EBITDA, whilst equally generating an attractive 13%+ cash flow yield.

Onwards and upwards.

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