Dev Clever to launch its Career Success Membership Program at DIDAC conference in India

( ), a developer of online and immersive career guidance, announced its participation in DIDAC, Asia's largest education conference and exhibition held in Bangalore, India. At the event, Dev Clever will unveil further progress on its Launchmycareer (LMC) platform with the launch of its Career Success Membership Program (CSMP).
DIDAC starts today and continues until 23 September, showcasing the latest trends in the education industry and aiming to evoke discussion around the rapidly changing career guidance sector. Dev Clever will participate via workshops, panel discussions, and talks, emphasising the need to address the employability gap.
Dev Clever's CSMP product employs a "tech-driven roadmap that weaves career-readiness into the educational framework in an age-appropriate manner". Additionally, Dev Clever will showcase a new membership card that can be purchased in bulk by schools enrolled in CSMP. The card allows students to access career counselling and assistance as well as access careers databases, in what Dev calls the world's first "career metaverse".
Dev Clever has already recorded 5000 CSMP pre-order ahead of LMC's national rollout in India next month.
Ankur Aggarwal and Chris Jeffries, Joint CEOs of Dev Clever, commented: "We are thrilled to have received such a positive response to CSMP and the membership card so far and look forward to their formal unveiling at DIDAC. We could not have asked for a better launch pad than this exhibition. The world of career development is undergoing enormous change and institutions, educators, counsellors, and thought leaders must come together to provide opportunities for students to better prepare for the world of work. With the launch of CSMP and the membership card, we are one step closer to this vision of helping students become future-ready."
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Dev Clever has invested heavily in customising its platforms for the Indian edtech market, which is expected to grow almost tenfold to $30bn by 2032. The group reached several milestones in targeting this market, including signing a five-year exclusive partnership with India’s National Independent Schools Alliance to offer career guidance across 70,000 private schools, and the proposed acquisition of Veative Labs' Indian subsidiary, one of the country's largest virtual and augmented reality education companies.
Dev Clever also announced its entry into the Chinese market, teaming up with Asia-based Question What’s Real, a VR hardware manufacturer and distributor for the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The agreement will see the company's STEM learning library installed on an initial 20,000 devices, with an option to extend the partnership to a further 15,000-30,000 devices depending on success.
To help fund its expansion plans, Dev Clever has obtained a three-year unsecured Convertible Funding Facility with Riverfort Global Opportunities for up to US$30m. The facility will cost Dev Clever a 1% implementation fee and incur a 10% interest rate, and is dependent upon the company's readmission to trading on London's main market.
Dev Clever's shares have been suspended since December after the FCA ruled that its proposed Veative acquisition constituted a reverse takeover. The acquisition has now been completed, with Veative CEO Ankur Aggarwal joining Dev Clever’s board as joint CEO, and the company is planning readmission of its shares as soon as a prospectus has been completed, expected by January 2023.
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