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Centaur Media: Edison

12:49, 24th July 2024
Edison Investment Research
Company Broker Research

Media - LSE - Mcap: £55m - Price: 37.5p - Outlook

Centaur Media

BIG27 under way

Centaur’s new mantra is ‘Build, Improve, Grow’ and this underpins its four-year management plan, BIG27, first unveiled in April. At its heart, BIG27 is predicated on leveraging Centaur’s strong brands addressing the marketing and legal sectors. The focus is on building ‘strategically valuable’ revenues in premium content, training and advisory and events, increasing the group’s subscription and recurring revenue. Implementing the plan will suppress EBITDA margins in the short term but should accelerate revenue growth within BIG27’s timescale, building towards management’s medium-term revenue aspiration of £60m. We withdrew forecasts on April’s (abandoned) potential bid and now reinstate them, with the costs of BIG27 factored in.


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