Atlantic Lithium's Definitive Feasibility Study reaffirms Ewoyaa project's strong economics

09:11, 29th June 2023
Victor Parker
Victor Parker
Analyst Comment

 ( ), an Africa-focused lithium explorer, announed its Definitive Feasibility Study (DFS) for the Ewoyaa Lithium Project in Ghana. Atlantic's Ewoyaa project aims to become Ghana's first lithium-producing mine.

The Definitive Feasibility Study outlined a 3.6Mt spodumene concentrate production over a 12-year Life of Mine (LOM). The DFS established exceptional project economics with a post-tax NPV8 of US$1.5bn and a free cash flow of US$2.4bn from LOM revenues of US$6.6bn, an average LOM EBITDA of US$316m/year, and an internal rate of return (IRR) of 105% with a short payback of 19 months.

Capital costs were low at an estimated US$85m. C1 cash operating costs were US$377/t of concentrate Free-On-Board Ghana Port, after by-product credits from conventional open cut mining operation. All in Sustaining Cost (AISC) was US$610/t.

The study incorporated modular DMS units to generate early cash flow, and increased throughput from 2Mtpa to 2.7Mtpa. Modular DMS cash flow reduces the mine build peak funding requirement, with capex paid back prior to full completion of the plant build. An additional 4.7Mt of secondary product is anticipated as by-product from the DMS concentrator, with average grade of 1.16% Li2O.

The DFS maintains low capital intensity of US$64/t of annualised throughput. Throughput increased by 35% following a significant uplift in ore reserves to 25.6Mt @ 1.22% Li2O. The DFS uses a Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE) of 35.3Mt @ 1.25 Li2O and a conservative LOM concentrate pricing of US$1,587/t, FOB Ghana Port.



In summary, the DFS has reaffirmed the Ewoyaa project's robust economics and profitability potential. Using conservative pricing, the DFS outlines 3.6Mt concentrate production over a 12-year mine life, delivering US$6.6bn in revenues with a post-tax NPV8 of US$1.5bn and an IRR of 105%. Moreover, the study indicates payback within only 19 months and maintains a low capital intensity.

It should be noted that the increase in capex from Ewoyaa's earlier pre-feasibility study comes from the inclusion of the modular DMS units and the increased throughput of 2.7Mtpa. Early revenue generated by the modular DMS units will reduce the peak funding requirement for the mine build, which is Atlantic's justification for choosing the technology.

Stage 2 of Ewoyaa's development will also incorporate a feldspar circuit. Feldspar is a by-product of the DMS process that Atlantic intends to supply to the Ghanaian ceramics market.

The project also benefits from close proximity to operational infrastructure, a low-water and low-energy plant, and proximity to potential off-takers. "Due to its grade, the Project's coastal location and against the backdrop of the global decarbonisation movement, demand from off-takers for product from Ewoyaa has been strong." said Keith Muller, CEO of Atlantic Lithium.

With the DFS delivered, a mining license application submitted, FEED contract awarded, and US$103m funding from Piedmont Lithium in place, Atlantic is on track to achieve production in the near term.


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