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Atlantic Lithium granted environmental permit for Ewoyaa

07:49, 12th September 2024
Alastair Ford
Vox Newswire

Atlantic Lithium Limited (ALLFollow | ALL has been granted an environmental permit by Ghana's Environmental Protection Agency in respect of the flagship Ewoyaa lithium project.

The grant of the EPA permit serves as the EPA's approval for the company's proposed activities at the project, as detailed in the environment impact statement, and, therefore, represents an important landmark in the permitting process for the advancement of the project.

The final EIS submission incorporated feedback from the EPA, both with regards to the draft EIS, submitted in May 2024, and queries raised by members of local communities in the two public hearings held by the EPA in February and June 2024 respectively. Both public hearings were well-attended and highlighted the exceptionally strong local support for the project.

"The grant of the EPA permit marks a major step towards the construction of Ghana's first lithium mine and follows a collaborative engagement process with the EPA and the residents of project's catchment area to ensure their alignment with the company's proposed activities at Ewoyaa,” said Neil Herbert, executive chairman of Atlantic Lithium. 

"This approval is a testament to Atlantic Lithium's commitment to acting as a responsible custodian of the land on which we operate, which we consider to be imperative to the long-term success of the project. We are delighted to have full backing from the EPA and our local stakeholders.” 


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Another crucial tick in the box for Atlantic Lithium as it moves toward construction at Ewoyaa. The lithium markets have been hard work of late, but one of the great merits of Ewoyaa is that it’s likely to be a very low cost operation. If and when the lithium price recovers – and conceivably this could be at around the time production at Ewoyaa gets underway – then margins ought to balloon out nicely.



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