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Aptamer Group: Turner Pope

11:43, 3rd September 2024
Turner Pope Investments
Company Broker Research

Aptamer Follow | APT has announced an extension to its partnership with Unilever plc (LSE: ULVR). This new phase aims to commence in-vivo efficacy testing ofOptimer® binders as active ingredients in deodorants before the end of 2024.This represents a significant endorsement of the Group’s technology with opportunity to create a long-term interdependent relationship with the consumer goods giant.

Today’s news is also a reminder of the recently appointed CEO’s stated ambition to re-establish focus on asset development and licensing (while seeking to cover Group operating costs through its more predictable but lower value-added fee-for-service (‘FFS’) operations) in expectation of crystallising much higher-value inflection points for shareholders. Beyond Unilever, Aptamer also continues to work with a number of major development partners, including AstraZeneca, NeuroBio and other top-tier pharmaceutical groups, each of which are similarly progressing products that utilise its binders to target global market opportunities. 


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