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George Frangeskides of Alba Mineral Resources: Assay results from Clogau-St David's Gold Mine Waste Tip show grades of up to 1,000 g/t

09:47, 25th May 2022

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George Frangeskides, Executive Chairman, Alba Mineral Resources #ALBA FOLLOW provides an update on progress made at its Clogau-St David's Gold Mine in Wales, including assay results from gold concentrates produced from the processing of 8.76 tonnes of fine material excavated from the Mine's historic Waste Tip that returned gold concentrate grades of up to 1,000 g/t, with average head grades for this material of 1.7 g/t.

Key Points

· Gold concentrate grades of up to 1,000 g/t have been returned following independent assaying of the 81 kg of total gold concentrates produced at the Clogau pilot processing plant from the five pits dug in January 2022 at the Waste Tip, with the average grade of the final high-grade concentrates being 503 g/t.

· An average head grade of 1.7 g/t was achieved for the material processed through the processing plant, significantly higher than the average of 0.95 g/t achieved from the initial sampling of the same pits, indicating that the sampling exercise under-represented the overall grade due to the nuggety effect of the ore.

· The successful completion of this Phase 2 programme, including the significantly higher average head grades, will enable further economic assessment of the Waste Tip to be completed. 

· A positive assessment will enable Alba to proceed with a Mining Plan and formal planning application to commercially produce gold from the Waste Tip's estimated 4,000 tonnes of fines material.


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